luni, 24 decembrie 2012

Android Smartphone: Where did my location go?

Problem: I am having an issue with my HTC handset. Every time I use Maps, my GPS signal doesn,t work and always shows as “Your current location is temporarily unavailable. I have tried resetting it, updating firmware, and almost every piece of advice I found I’ve tried, but the problem is still there. It worked once during the first time when I purchased the phone, and then it has failed to work ever since.

So, how to solve this location problem in an Android smartphone:

This is a tricky one, but the solution may be easier than you think. First up, if you have a setup option please run through it again and ensure that you have chosen the right options for location services.
Remember that having Wi-Fi enabled on your smartphone can greatly enhance the power offered to the GPS antenna and this has been proven to work on. a multitude of different smartphones, not just those from HTC. Also, make sure that you have a good data signal present because this is required for most location services and will also help enormously.

If you have all of this running and are still having problems, look for an app in Google Play called GPS Test which will offer you much more detailed information about your current GPS signal. It goes deep into the minor details and will even show the power of each satellite you are connected to.

If none of the above works, you need to look at your location and rule out the fact that it may be a blind spot for GPS, even temporarily. Try another phone to see how that performs and check its settings. If that works, you may need to speak to HTC to get a replacement device because it could simply be a hardware issue.

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